Pelvis - previous year questions Short Answer Questions Describe the pelvic diaphragm and its functions. Write a note on the anatomy of the urinary bladder. Explain the structure and clinical significance of the rectum. Describe the arterial supply of the pelvis. Write a short note on the sacral ple...
Thorax - previous year questions Short Answer Questions Describe the boundaries and contents of the thoracic inlet. Write a note on the intercostal muscles and their functions. Explain the anatomy of the pericardium. Describe the structure and functions of the trachea. Write a short note on the azyg...
Abdomen - Previous year questions Short Answer Questions Write a note on the inguinal canal and its clinical relevance. Describe the anatomy and functions of the diaphragm. Discuss the peritoneum and its clinical importance. Explain the blood supply and innervation of the stomach. Describe the anato...
Lower Limb - previous year questions Short Answer Questions Describe the boundaries and contents of the femoral triangle. Explain the anatomy and clinical significance of the sciatic nerve. Write a note on the arches of the foot. Describe the structure and function of the hip joint. Discuss the veno...
Upper Limb - previous year questions Short Answer Questions Describe the boundaries and contents of the axilla. Write a note on the brachial plexus. Discuss the blood supply to the upper limb. Explain the anatomical basis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Describe the muscles involved in the movements of t...